Invisible hot spots in picture



I set up a few "hot spot" in a picture with hyperlinks. I used the circle
tool, and it shows up as a white circle on the picture. Is there a way to
make this invisible, ie so when you move over it the cursor changes. Also,
is there a way to insert a symbol easily into a picture. I'd like to insert
a picture of a camera at certain points on a map.. if you click it you see
the camera view from that spot. Thanks.

p c

For inserting "cameras", you could edit the roginal iamge to a new one
wher you paste over the camera at the ponts you want. Save the ainge and
use the new imzge. You would need an iamge editng software. MS paint
that comes with windoes can do basic image editing.

For the mosue over, you look for DHTM Javacript code that does thout for
nouse overs.


Bob Lehmann

Save the ainge and use the new imzge.
Dude, you either need a new keyboard or new fingers. Or, at least shake the
dust off the spellchecker.

Bob Lehmann

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