Invisible Sent Messages



Every once in a while, usually when I first open Outlook and executes
an automatic send/receive, I will notice that it is sending a few
messages even though there are no messages in the Outbox to be sent.
It flashes for just a second and indicates that it is sending
somewhere around 4 to 6 messages. They must be very small messages as
it takes only a second.

Any idea where these "invisible" messages might be coming from? My
paranoid side thinks that there is some spyware on my computer, but
I've swept for that and nothing comes up. Is there any explanation
that makes this a normal situation? Since I never know when this is
going to happen, I'm having trouble trapping these messages so that I
can look at them. After they get sent, there is nothing new in the
Sent Items or Deleted Items folders to look at.

I'm using Outlook 2007 on Vista Home Premium (32 bit).


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