We've created a form and need to use folders to improve performance
for the library. The forms were initially created with a name like
fname, lname-nnnnn.xml, and saved to a sub-folder in the lib based on
the first letter of the last name..
Now, when the file is opened and saved via code (since we need to
specify a sub-folder), the save process renames the file, replacing
commas and spaces with underscore.
Here is the code snip based on the FileSubmitConnection in the IP Team
' From: http://blogs.msdn.com/infopath/archive/2006/11/08/submitting-to-this-document-library.aspx
Dim fc As FileSubmitConnection =
DirectCast(Me.DataConnections("Sharepoint MyMillerjohnsonCom Doc
Lib"), FileSubmitConnection)
' Modify the URL we want to submit to by concatenating the
' xnLocation and xnFolderName values
fc.FolderUrl = strLoc + "/" + strFolder
for the library. The forms were initially created with a name like
fname, lname-nnnnn.xml, and saved to a sub-folder in the lib based on
the first letter of the last name..
Now, when the file is opened and saved via code (since we need to
specify a sub-folder), the save process renames the file, replacing
commas and spaces with underscore.
Here is the code snip based on the FileSubmitConnection in the IP Team
' From: http://blogs.msdn.com/infopath/archive/2006/11/08/submitting-to-this-document-library.aspx
Dim fc As FileSubmitConnection =
DirectCast(Me.DataConnections("Sharepoint MyMillerjohnsonCom Doc
Lib"), FileSubmitConnection)
' Modify the URL we want to submit to by concatenating the
' xnLocation and xnFolderName values
fc.FolderUrl = strLoc + "/" + strFolder