IP 2007 submitting to Form Lib Sub Folder bug - MSFT HELP PLEASE



We've created a form and need to use folders to improve performance
for the library. The forms were initially created with a name like
fname, lname-nnnnn.xml, and saved to a sub-folder in the lib based on
the first letter of the last name..

Now, when the file is opened and saved via code (since we need to
specify a sub-folder), the save process renames the file, replacing
commas and spaces with underscore.

Here is the code snip based on the FileSubmitConnection in the IP Team
' From: http://blogs.msdn.com/infopath/archive/2006/11/08/submitting-to-this-document-library.aspx

Dim fc As FileSubmitConnection =
DirectCast(Me.DataConnections("Sharepoint MyMillerjohnsonCom Doc
Lib"), FileSubmitConnection)

' Modify the URL we want to submit to by concatenating the
' xnLocation and xnFolderName values
fc.FolderUrl = strLoc + "/" + strFolder

Clay Fox

Commas and spaces in the folder names are not allowed since they are illegal
in the URL. I am not sure how much subfolders really help performance other
than from a navigation standpoint

You may want to look at the Database Accelerator at http://www.qdabra.com.
It can improve performance a great deal. I am not sure how many forms you
have but the upper bounds of Sharepoint are about 2K forms. With the
Database Accelerator I have seen the same or better performance with up to
50K forms of the same type.


Clay Fox

Qdabra Software

The Largest InfoPath Forum in the World

Bob C.

We fixed this by only using the FileSubmitConnection related code to change
the FolderURL, and then used a standard submit rule to finish the save

Seems like a bug in the FC object.

As for performance, folders are a MSFT suggestion, and do seem to help.