iphone Outlike sync



I am thinking of purchasing a new i phone . But it is big deal for me for my
calender and in outlook to sync with my PDA phone. I currently have a palm
750 in which it is windows based. I have recieved different answers for this
question. Some say it will do it and others say it will not. So do youy know?

Thank You

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Ask in an Apple iPhone or iTunes forum on the Apple site - it is a function of the phone, not Outlook.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After furious head scratching, Virgil asked:

| I am thinking of purchasing a new i phone . But it is big deal for me
| for my calender and in outlook to sync with my PDA phone. I currently
| have a palm 750 in which it is windows based. I have recieved
| different answers for this question. Some say it will do it and
| others say it will not. So do youy know?
| Thank You

Brian Tillman

Virgil said:
I am thinking of purchasing a new i phone . But it is big deal for me
for my calender and in outlook to sync with my PDA phone. I currently
have a palm 750 in which it is windows based. I have recieved
different answers for this question. Some say it will do it and
others say it will not. So do youy know?

ITunes should be able to sync an iPhone with Outlook.

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