IPictureDisp - Image Quality over Terminal Server

  • Thread starter Steve Crago \(Hotmail\)
  • Start date

Steve Crago \(Hotmail\)


Below is code from an MS Access 2003 form. Using this code we are setting
the picture to be used for a Toolbar.

Our problem is that the quality of the image on the toolbar is 'very' bad
when the application is run remotely using Windows 2000 Terminal Server. If
I open the image using Paint Shop on the Terminal Server then the image
looks fine. The Terminal Server is running at 256 colours and the images
have been created at 256 colours.

When using the procedure below to load the image on a toolbar then the image
quality suffers terribly. Does anyone know why this is and is able to help?

All help much appreciated.

Thanks, Steve

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim bar As CommandBar
Set bar = Application.CommandBars("SorinTest1")

Dim ButtonIndex As Integer
ButtonIndex = cboButtonIndex

Dim Id As Long
Id = bar.Controls.Item(ButtonIndex).Id

Dim pic As IPictureDisp
Dim msk As IPictureDisp

Set pic = stdole.StdFunctions.LoadPicture("R:\V05\R1\Toolbar and Menubar
Control\Images\Toolbar\Image\256 Colors\Save.bmp")
Set msk = stdole.StdFunctions.LoadPicture("R:\V05\R1\Toolbar and Menubar
Control\Images\Toolbar\Mask\256 Colors\Save.bmp")

With bar.FindControl(msoControlButton, Id)
.Picture = pic
.Mask = msk
End With
End Sub

Terry Kreft

I would guess resolution. You may need to have a different picture
depending on the screen resolution of the machine loading it, also if the
screen palette is different this could cause problems, but I wouldn't worry
too much about this.

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