This has me baffled. It's going to be hard to explain. I will
simplify it as much as possible. I have a listbox a combobox a button
and a sheet. The listbox contains a list of numbers. when a number in
the listbox is clicked, that number is entered into the combobox using
this code:
Private Sub ListBoxW_Click()
UserFormDesign.ComboBoxWsections.Text = UserFormDesign.ListBoxW.Text
End Sub
alternatively, the number in the combobox can be changed directly with
it's pull down menu.
I use the following code to update a cell (sheet2-D284) in the sheet
with the combobox number, each time the combobox number changes:
Private Sub ComboBoxWsections_Change()
Sheets("sheet2").Range("D284").Value =
End Sub
Up to this point, everything works successfully. Next, there is a
button on the userform (the same form that contains the combo and
listbox), which when clicked, runs a routine that copies the cell with
the combobox value to a different cell (sheet2-C28) and does some other
stuff, then it hides the userform and shows a sheet of results,
including the value in the first cell I mentioned (sheet2-D284).
here is the relevant code for when the button is clicked:
Private Sub CommandButtonWView_Click()
Call Module1.SingleW
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
End Sub
here is the relevant code within Module1.SingleW:
Sheets("sheet2").Range("C28").Value =
here is the problem: when the value is updated via the listbox,
everything works correctly. when the value is set via the combobox,
the value defaults back to the last clicked listbox value. The value
to cell D284 does update after changing the combobox but somehow it
goes back to the previous listbox value after clicking the results
button. prehaps it is the value in the listbox that is still
highlighted when clicking the button.
I would appreciate any help I can get on this. It's driving me crazy.
simplify it as much as possible. I have a listbox a combobox a button
and a sheet. The listbox contains a list of numbers. when a number in
the listbox is clicked, that number is entered into the combobox using
this code:
Private Sub ListBoxW_Click()
UserFormDesign.ComboBoxWsections.Text = UserFormDesign.ListBoxW.Text
End Sub
alternatively, the number in the combobox can be changed directly with
it's pull down menu.
I use the following code to update a cell (sheet2-D284) in the sheet
with the combobox number, each time the combobox number changes:
Private Sub ComboBoxWsections_Change()
Sheets("sheet2").Range("D284").Value =
End Sub
Up to this point, everything works successfully. Next, there is a
button on the userform (the same form that contains the combo and
listbox), which when clicked, runs a routine that copies the cell with
the combobox value to a different cell (sheet2-C28) and does some other
stuff, then it hides the userform and shows a sheet of results,
including the value in the first cell I mentioned (sheet2-D284).
here is the relevant code for when the button is clicked:
Private Sub CommandButtonWView_Click()
Call Module1.SingleW
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
End Sub
here is the relevant code within Module1.SingleW:
Sheets("sheet2").Range("C28").Value =
here is the problem: when the value is updated via the listbox,
everything works correctly. when the value is set via the combobox,
the value defaults back to the last clicked listbox value. The value
to cell D284 does update after changing the combobox but somehow it
goes back to the previous listbox value after clicking the results
button. prehaps it is the value in the listbox that is still
highlighted when clicking the button.
I would appreciate any help I can get on this. It's driving me crazy.