Is anybody out there?


James Trice

Hi you guys-I am playing on M&D's puter. I have found three condos at the
Fairfield resort right down close to the boardwalk. It is the only
Fairfield locale in or near Daytona. M&D have 2 FF weeks and 1 RCI week but
all can be used at the same resort-Fairfield Ocean Walk. Something to think
about. The oceanfront 2 bedrooms sleep 2-10 people. Have not checked
availability 'cause don't know who is doing what this summer. The second
week of July has been a good week previously. Dad is talking about going to
Williamsburg but I think the people watching at this resort in Daytona would
be quite sufficient for him. There is no way he could do Wmburg without a
wheelchair and we would all be going bonkers with impatience by the time we
got through 2 days (some of us-2 hours). It has been my observation that
they are not yet ready to make the move to assisted living.
Mother knows she has the decision in her hands and has accepted that they
COULD afford to do something like that. Dad has dropped the car idea for
now and Mom is taking the lead in that situation now. Both of their cars
are in good running condition and substantial should they have an accident.
Dad drove through Jacksonville on the way home and didn't miss a beat-it's
uncanny. Well, gotta go. We're trying to get Mom in control of her
couponing instead of her couponing controlling her. You should see all the
coupons sections the ladies at the library save for her!! I haven't had to
read the paper myself at all. Mom reads it to me even when I'm watching TV
or doing my crossword puzzle or trying to read something else. LOL. Ya'll
take care. Janet, my flight arrives at 12:13 on Tuesday. If you have time
I'll take you to lunch.

See ya'

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