Is anybody there??????



I posted a message earlier today and have not received a response yet. If I
use any of the other NGs, I am usually answered right away, with very few
exceptions. If you look at most of the other NGs, you will see that they
have nearly all of the questions marked as answered. Very few of the
questions seemed to be answered here. I will repost my question below, but
now that I have spoken out, I still may not receive an answer. I did notice
another person addressing this same matter a little earlier, and he was

Using Outlook V2002 (10.4219.4219) SP-2. When I am viewing an email message
and that person is online, right above their name, in yellow, it says 'Mary
is online, would you like to send her an IM?'. This shows up only on one of
my friend's emails, even though I check and can see that some of my other
friends are also online at the same time. And it does not show up on Mary's
computer, even though she has the same version of Windows and Outlook that I
have? Any ideas of a setting we need to change or something?


Patricia, thank you very much for getting back to me on this. I appreciate
that you are mostly volunteers, it's just that this NG doesn't seem to
attended as well as some of the others.

Your answer about not having the same email as the IM name hit it right on
the money. I am using my passport account for my IM and she is using the
same name for both her email and IM.
Thanks for your help,


Is this in a network environment? Sounds to me like you
have the Microsoft messanger configured and she doesn't

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