Is Datatype, my incrementing problem?



I've been bugging you good folks regarding a want more than a need for my
service db. Basically I wanted to retain a numbering system to which my
guys are accustomed. Works like this.

For vessel maintenance. The number consists of Three fields from 1 table
InitiatedDate(shortdate as "yy")
Increment based on preceding three elements.

I have even been able to get the number to work per record, but when I place
JobNumber(which is table-pk) in query for the reference to each record number
It sets all values to 1 or in some cases 158.(number of jobs I've entered for
3 boats in new db)

To avoid storing the desired number, on much needed and welcomed advice, I
attempted to change my query to show every row with the incrementing element
so I could use it as a combobox in header of form. I can get the number I
want only on a max basis as is.

To get the running count per vessel/date/jobtype should all feilds be
number? I'm using Access 2003.

Thank You for your time and brain power,,,especially since mine has left me.


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