Is Excel 5.0 Compatible with Windows ME?


Carmen Fondell

I purchased a Gateway computer and it did not come with
Excel. It come with a different spreadsheet program. All
of my data files were prepared in Excel. I have my old
Excel 5.0 floppy disks from an older computer. Can I load
these disks onto my new computer with Windows ME?

Thank you.


Dave Peterson

I think so.

But there is a problem. I think that you're going to be yelled at about not
being able to find a file called share.exe. (Share.exe was required with
earlier versions of excel (I _think_ xl 5.0 looks for it--but I don't recall for

But if you get yelled at, you can do this:

Use Notepad to create a file (nothing in it). Save it as Share.exe.

The bad news is where to put it. I think it goes in your x:\windows folder, or
x:\windows\system32 or any folder in your path.

Share.exe went away with Windows95 (IIRC). So you can fool excel by making an
empty one.

Did you mean WindowsXP (instead of windowsME)???

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