Jon Borel
I'm trying to apply a grey line around any selected figure. Success seems to
be determined by if the figure is Inline or Floating. Rather than write two
macros and force my user to decide which one to run, I am hoping to make that
decision programmatically, but I can't figure out the correct syntax for the
conditional formatting. Any Suggestions?
If Selection IS INLINE Then
' Format it like this (Selection.InlineShapes.Borders)
ElseIF Selection is FLOATING Then
' Format it like this (Selection.ShapeRange.Line)
MsgBox "Please Select a figure and try again.", vbOKOnly
be determined by if the figure is Inline or Floating. Rather than write two
macros and force my user to decide which one to run, I am hoping to make that
decision programmatically, but I can't figure out the correct syntax for the
conditional formatting. Any Suggestions?
If Selection IS INLINE Then
' Format it like this (Selection.InlineShapes.Borders)
ElseIF Selection is FLOATING Then
' Format it like this (Selection.ShapeRange.Line)
MsgBox "Please Select a figure and try again.", vbOKOnly