Is Font Menu Fixed in Word 2008???



Does anyone know if they are FINALLY going to fix the font menu in
Word 2008? I'm talking about listing fonts grouped by family instead
of every variation listed separately, alphabetically. The way it is
now, Frutiger Black is under B because the font is named BL Frutiger


Just looked at the Fonts menu in Word 2008, and it does show SOME fonts in groups. But still separately lists fonts with similar names that aren't in the same group.

For example, instead of showing Arial, Arial Bold, Arial Bold Italic, Arial Italic and Arial Regular as separate items, the Font menu in Word 2008 shows simply ARIAL with a right arrow > that opens a list of the Arial style variations. Good so far. But not perfect.

My system also has the separate fonts Arial Black, Arial Narrow, and Arial Unicode MS and they all show up as separate items under Arial. Arial Narrow also has an arrow which opens a list of
the style variations.

It is still an improvement over Word 2004 which shows every font, including Classic fonts on those Macs which still have Classic or dual-boot capability with OS9.

Daiya Mitchell

But those aren't at all the same fonts......if I were considering Arial
for something, I would *never* want to see Arial Rounded MT Bold as a
subset of it.

Do Suitcase, etc, really behave as you describe? Is that really what
people mean by font families? If I bought Arial from a foundry, would it
really come with Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, and Arial Rounded MT

Ditto for the Lucida fonts.

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