Is Frontpage 2003 compatible with MS Office xp Professional 2002?



I own and have installed on my computer MS Office xp Professional Academic
Edition version 2002. I want to buy and install Frontpage 2003. Is this
program stand alone and completely compatible with my MS Office? Are there
any functions or "extras" with this Frontpage that will not be available due
to my version of Office?

Kevin Spencer

If I understand you correctly, you should have no issues.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
The sun never sets on
the Kingdom of Heaven

Cowboy (Gregory A. Beamer) - MVP

Based on what you state you have on your machine, you should have no
problems. Academic is more of a licensing thing with Office, so installing a
non-Academic FrontPage with academic Office is not an issue. I have not
personally tried this, but I know of nothing that should cause any issues.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!

Stefan B Rusynko

Other than the caution that FP 2003 uses Office 2003 Common tools which are incompatible w/ Office XP (2002) Common tools (and can
cause problems w/ MSO 2002)
So when running mixed versions of MSO product it is best to do a custom install of FP and Not install the Office Common tools (they
aren't needed generally in FP anyway)

| Based on what you state you have on your machine, you should have no
| problems. Academic is more of a licensing thing with Office, so installing a
| non-Academic FrontPage with academic Office is not an issue. I have not
| personally tried this, but I know of nothing that should cause any issues.
| --
| Gregory A. Beamer
| ***************************
| Think Outside the Box!
| ***************************
| "S.O.S." wrote:
| > I own and have installed on my computer MS Office xp Professional Academic
| > Edition version 2002. I want to buy and install Frontpage 2003. Is this
| > program stand alone and completely compatible with my MS Office? Are there
| > any functions or "extras" with this Frontpage that will not be available due
| > to my version of Office?

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