Is InfoPath the right solution for me ?


p c

I work for a web hosting company and we are planning to completely
overhaul our data management system (currently FileMaker) from scratch.

I've come up with a SQL structure which I think covers all the
requirements. Web things (online shopping, 'my account' management etc.)
would be made in ASP or ASP.NET and connect directly to the SQL and we
were planning to make a fairly basic MS Access solution, linking to the
SQL, for use in the office by support and sales teams.

I had been hoping that I could write a DAL object in C# which all of the
various aspects of the solution could use to insure better data
integrity and generally centralize common tasks. Also means less coding
in the long run (hopefully).

Although this is OK for ASP (with a wrapper) and, there doesn't
seem to be a viable way to make use of an external DAL within MS Access
meaning we'd have to replicate business logic for each aspect of the

So this lead me to InfoPath. I've watched a few vids on channel9 and
read some articles and it appears that it would do what I need but I
just want some confirmation.


If I wrapped my DAL object into a web-service...

Can I think of InfoPath as comparable to Access for an internal office
system ? I.e. similar ease of creation of forms, ways to move between
multiple forms, some sort of navigation system etc.

Will I end up having to write lots of code to get things working such
that I might as well write a full C# App ?

Any thoughts much appreciated.

Clay Fox

Hey Peter.

You should evaluate using InfoPath directly with your SQL data or another
SQL database. We have done internal Project Tracking Solutions, CRM, and ERP
type solutions very quickly and easily with the Database Accelerator toolkit.

It gives you a package of web services to quickly and easily access your SQL
data with InfoPath.

Clay Fox

Qdabra Software

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