Is is possible to use EXISTS with .findnext?



I have some procedures for finding and filtering. In filtering, I can use
EXISTS in the WHEREish part. The same code used in an rs.findnext results in
an error "Unknown or invalid field reference." Is there a way around this?

The rs was cloned from the SalesOrder form, which does not have this data in
it's recordsource, so an EXISTS statement must be used.



You are mixing apples and oranges here. EXISTS is used in SQL
..FindFirst is a DAO recordset statement.

If you can describe what it is you want to do, perhaps we can help with the
how to do it.


Yes, but when using .findfirst, one must include criteria, which according to
msdn is "A String used to locate the record. It is like the WHERE clause in
an SQL statement, but without the word WHERE."

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