Is it a list box?


luser error


I have three tables all linked: Supplier, Supplier Order, Product Information
I have created a Supplier Order form from the table, I wish to be able to
select from a drop down list the Supplier ID (Supplier Table) so that all the
details appear once one is selected and the same for Product ID (Product


Ofer Cohen

In the RowSource of the ComboBox where selecting the supplier add all the
column you want to display in the form

Select Id , SuppName , Address From TableName

Make sure that the combo column count specify the number of column in the
combo, in this example 3.

Create text boxes in the form where the details suppose to be displayed

In text box ControlSource that display the supplier name write


In text box ControlSource that display the supplier Address


Note: the column number start with 0
Do the same for the Products

Larry Linson

luser error said:
I have three tables all linked: Supplier,
Supplier Order, Product Information
I have created a Supplier Order form
from the table, I wish to be able to
select from a drop down list the Supplier
ID (Supplier Table) so that all the
details appear once one is selected and
the same for Product ID (Product

The Combo Box Wizard will allow you to select such functionality and prompt
you for all the information you need to supply. It's the Wizard option to
"Find a record on my form based ont e value I selected in my combo box."
Can't get much easier than that.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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