Is it best to not duplicate the Project Summary Task on line 1 of.



I am working in the Project Server2003 Enterprise environment. There seems
to be pro's and con's for having project managers use either line 0 or line 1
as the top level roll up line of their project. For example, if a user is to
open multiple plans in a single window, they will not see the line 0 baseline
inforamtion of the indivual projects. On the other hand, using line 1
needlessly uses an indenture level and posses the risk of additional lines at
the 1st level that do not roll up to the first line at the level1. What is
the suggested "best practice" regarding this dilima?

Dale Howard [MVP]

thomasbcrowley --

We recommend the use of the Project Summary Task (aka Row 0 or Task 0) for
this purpose, since it automatically summarizes all of the data in the
project. When using Row 0, you can also click the Show button on the
Formatting toolbar and display the level of indenture of each task. Tasks
at the first level of indenture generally represent phases, the second level
generally represents deliverables, etc. Therefore, our "best practice" as
msPE is to display the Project Summary Task rather than using task 1 for
this purpose. Hope this helps.

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