Is it just me?



I have now tried hard to work with OneNote for 3+ Months. Having spent 26
years in the IT industry, I have NEVER come across a more non-intuitive and
complex piece of software.
I bought the Microsoft marketing, envisioned the end result, and never had I
felt so badly let down. The fact that Microsoft has allowed this to market
only adds to the question: Maybe it is time to join the: “Anything but

Erik Sojka

What are some of the problems you're having? Maybe the folks here can help.
A vague "This sucks! I'm going home!" message won't help you get value out
of your purchase.

John Waller

Are you just having a bad day, Peter, or do have specific questions about

Kathy W

Hi Peter,

When I first heard of OneNote, I was very excited about it. I have wanted
something similar for years. I have two colleagues who are crazy about it,
and that made me want to dive in even more. While it's somewhat obvious how
to get started and make yourself slightly dangerous with OneNote, I quickly
found myself frustrated with it too.

Then I finally got around to taking the OneNote training via Office Online,
and things got 100% better. I am now fully addicted to OneNote. My two
colleagues never found it necessary, but for some reason, it never clicked
for me until I took this step. I highly recommend it.

As a dedicated paper notebook user and note taker, it was also a little hard
for me to stop writing and trust that I could capture everything n my laptop
just as efficiently. I was able to get past this after a botu a week of use.
Sounds like you've used it long enough that this isn't likely to be your

My other main issue had to do with notebook organization. I kept starting
and stopping different schemes, thinking and rethinking how I was using it.
The training helped.

Try the training, even if you think you "get" it. It will only take a bout
an hour.

Hope it's helpful.

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