Is it okay to run Access 2000 compact against Access 97 db?



I have/had a corruption problem with an Access 97 db.
When I ran the compact utility against it, the compact
would 'fail' and entries would be placed in the
mysyscompacterrors table. When I used the compact utility
that is part of Access 2000, the compact does NOT fail,
although entries are put in the msyscompacterrors table.
Subsequent runs of Access 200 compact against the Access
97 db remove the msyscompacterrors (i.e. the 'corruption'
must have been fixed by the previous Access 2000 compact

So the question is, is it 'okay' to run Access 2000
compact routines against Access 97 mdb's (i.e. is this

david epsom dot com dot au

So the question is, is it 'okay' to run Access 2000
compact routines against Access 97 mdb's (i.e. is this

Yes, you have to be sure that it compacts to A97 format,
or convert it back to A97 format after.
97 db remove the msyscompacterrors (i.e. the 'corruption'
must have been fixed by the previous Access 2000 compact

Not so much fixed as deleted. Compact deletes stuff
that is wrong - including, if necessary, tables and
indexes...... some of it gets listed in msyscompacterrors,
so you can check to see if you lost anything important.
Sometimes it doesn't even get listed :)


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