Jon Peltier
Shortcuts are not assigned to controls. You can assign a shortcut to the
same code that a control is assigned to.
Ctrl+D is a handy built-in shortcut, which fills the contents of a cell
downward. If someone hijacked this shortcut I would not be pleased. Maybe
Ctrl+Alt+D would be better.
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Peltier Technical Services, Inc.
Advanced Excel Conference - Training in Charting and Programming
same code that a control is assigned to.
Ctrl+D is a handy built-in shortcut, which fills the contents of a cell
downward. If someone hijacked this shortcut I would not be pleased. Maybe
Ctrl+Alt+D would be better.
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Peltier Technical Services, Inc.
Advanced Excel Conference - Training in Charting and Programming