Is it possible to automate word X to change the style in multiple docs?



a couple of 100 word docs.

need to change what they look like 'a bit' fonts, sizes, spacing,
generally clean them up.

Any way to automate this?


Daiya Mitchell

If you write the macro to change the formatting in one doc, you should be
able to write an applescript to run the macro on all the documents in a
folder. I can't tell you how, but someone will probably come along and
help. (the macro itself could be written in applescript instead, as well,
don't think it matters).

What do you mean when you say "change the style" and "generally clean them
up"? If your documents are formatted using styles, this may be as easy as
attaching a different template to the document. If you need to apply
styles, it may be a very difficult macro to write.

Dayia is correct :)

For "200" documents, the effort of automating this is not commercially
viable. Yes, you can do it. But no, it's not worth automating it for only
200 documents. 20,000 documents and give me a call: this kind of automation
is something I do for a living. :)



Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410

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