In Acrobat, Document, Extract Pages, check box Extract Pages as Separate Files.
You will get 50 files, titled like Page 3 of <old file name>.
I have come across some instructions that can do the split at the merge
stage and get a more pertinent file name to boot. Unfortunately I don't have
the information at my finger tips, I shall find it in the morning.
This splits the merge and create the 50 separate Word files, which can then
be block converted into PDF files, this is another function in Acrobat.
Speak to you in the morning.
NJsecty said:
I do have Acrobat -- do you happen to know how I would do it?
JoAnn Paules said:
If you have Acrobat, yes. If you don't, probably not. If you are using
Word's add-in, no.
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"
NJsecty said:
If I do a mail merge, say I end up with 50 letters, and I want to convert
them to INDIVIDUAL PDF pages, is that possible? I.e. so each of the
is a separate PDF that I could then email to the individual addressee.