Is it possible to have more than five indent levels on a PowerPoint slide?



I'm using PPT 2000. Five seems to be the maximum number of levels possible.
Is it possible to force a sixth level? or does it have to be faked?

Also, is it possible to have two levels at the same indent? e.g. Level 1 set
to Arial 18 pt bold, no bullet, no indent and Level
2 set to Arial 16 pt regular, no bullet, no indent?


TAJ Simmons


I believe 5 bullet styles is the limit.
Also, is it possible to have two levels at the same indent? e.g. Level 1 set
to Arial 18 pt bold, no bullet, no indent and Level
2 set to Arial 16 pt regular, no bullet, no indent?

Yes, it's possible

View menu
Slide master

Click on the 1st bullet
Click the "bullet" icon on the toolbar

View "rulers" if they are not already visible

Drag the sliders on the ruler to the left....the top slider is where the
bullet starts....the slide underneath is where the text will wrap to (or
start with a bullet). So make the 1st two sliders level to each other.

Repeat with the other slides

TAJ Simmons
microsoft powerpoint mvp

awesome - powerpoint backgrounds,
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Thanks TAJ. Five indents should be enough for anyone but I'm working on a
presentation where the client want to use a sixth level. I've created
separate text boxes and faked a sixth level in those.

To remove the indents you suggested:
<< Drag the sliders on the ruler to the left....the top slider is where the
bullet starts....the slide underneath is where the text will wrap to (or
start with a bullet). So make the 1st two sliders level to each other>>

Moving the sliders removes the hanging indent but doesn't allow me to
completly get rid of the overall indent except at Level 1. Each of the other
levels is indented one-eight inch beyond the previous one, so that by the
time I get to Level 5, the text is indented by half an inch. Is there a way
to move all five pairs of sliders on top of one another so all five levels
start at the left margin? I have seen presentations where two levels were
set to the left margin, but I suspect that this was accomplished by using
VBA or some other trick that's beyond me.

TAJ Simmons


Thanks for reporting back with an update.'s what I can share with you.....

Select your bullet text holder on the slide master.

Turn on the ruler again.
View / Zoom to 400%

Now when you move the sliders...hold down the CTRL key, you * CAN * have
them all level, but personally I would avoid it, I'd have them a "fraction"
apart, so you can move them in the future. Placing them all in one place
could get very messy.

TAJ Simmons
microsoft powerpoint mvp

awesome - powerpoint backgrounds,
free sample templates, tutorials, hints and tips etc


TAJ, that's absolutely brilliant! I've literally been wondering how to do
that for years. I know it could get messy if all five pairs were all in one
place. Typically I would just want it for Level 1 and Level 2 and would
bullet and indent the remaining levels so pulling two pairs of sliders apart
shouldn't be such a problem if I changed my mind.

TAJ Simmons

I've literally been wondering how to do
that for years.
I know exactly what you mean.....When you want that long 1st sentence *then*
bullets. But you don't want the 1st sentence to indent.

TAJ Simmons
microsoft powerpoint mvp

awesome - powerpoint backgrounds,
free sample templates, tutorials, hints and tips etc

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