Is it possible to have VB "remember" inputs for the future?



I'm doubting this is possible but this is what the boss man wants:

We have a userform on top of a document template that I've created where we
input data in the userform and it gets dumped into the document where it is
calculated, saved and printed, end of story.

part of what we enter (into the userform) is worker's comp descriptions and
classification codes. For example

8810 - Clerical Office Employee NOC


8742 - Outside Sales

Basically the question is, is it possible to have VB "remember" our inputs
and automatically fill the fields the next time we open the document and
input the next client?

I'm very much doubting it, but he makes me ask these things. :)

Jonathan West

Angyl said:
I'm doubting this is possible but this is what the boss man wants:

We have a userform on top of a document template that I've created where
input data in the userform and it gets dumped into the document where it
calculated, saved and printed, end of story.

part of what we enter (into the userform) is worker's comp descriptions
classification codes. For example

8810 - Clerical Office Employee NOC


8742 - Outside Sales

Basically the question is, is it possible to have VB "remember" our inputs
and automatically fill the fields the next time we open the document and
input the next client?

I'm very much doubting it, but he makes me ask these things. :)

Its perfectly possible. When the userform is filled out, you have to store
the inputs someplace. Next time you start the form, retrieve the inputs &
populate the form with them, so the user can then change whatever he wants.
Rinse & repeat.

Where you store the inputs depends on whatever is convenient to you. Could
be a text file, an INI file or maybe the registry.

Helmut Weber

Hi Angyl,


You have to store the data somewhere,
that is, e.g. write them to a file
or to the registry, which is a file also,
and read them back when it is required.

Sure, it can be done.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

Jay Freedman

Yes, it's possible. The general idea is that the same procedure in the
userform's code that dumps the data into the document also writes the same
data to someplace else -- probably a text file in a predetermined folder,
but you could also use the registry if there isn't a lot of data. The
initialization procedure of the userform looks for that file or registry
key, and uses its data if found; otherwise it uses some hardcoded default
set of data.

I can't be specific without knowing the structure of your userform, but
here's a simple example for just a single text field:

Const dataFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\data.txt"

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim myRg As Range
On Error GoTo ErrHdl
Set myRg = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("dataHere").Range
myRg.Text = TextBox1.Text
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Name:="dataHere", Range:=myRg

Open dataFile For Output As #1
Print #1, TextBox1.Text
Close #1
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim dataLine As String

On Error GoTo NoFile
Open dataFile For Input As #1
Line Input #1, dataLine
Close #1
TextBox1.Text = dataLine
Exit Sub

TextBox1.Text = "Default text"
End Sub

Set the path to the data file appropriately. If it's on the local machine,
it will be specific to each machine (or you could put it in a specific
user's profile to make it specific to that user, if the machine has multiple
profiles). You could try putting in on a share to make it available to
everyone, but then you run a small risk of collisions if two people try to
update it at the same moment.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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