Hi Darmitage,
It's somewhat of a mix/match functionallity. Adobe InDesign is page layout software, Microsoft Word is not page layout based, but
'text reflow' softrware. There aren't any Microsoft converters for opening InDesign files in Word (although there may be some 3rd
party tools out there <g>).
From InDesign you can export to RTF or to EPS and open the RTF in Word or Insert=>Picture the EPS (be sure to use lower version
EPS/PS settings) as a background picture. It's a process similar to limitations of moving data from MS Office Publisher, one of
it's page layout based Office software products, to MS Word. (Going the other way from Word is a bit easier <g>).
There are converters to go to InDesign from Word and Publisher (reflow to layout).
There are a couple of tools coming available that will use XML it appears as the intermediate file between the two. HTML can, to
some extent, also work.
For Forms you might want to consider creating PDF forms or using Adobe LiveCycle Designer, or Microsoft Office Infopath
http://office.microsoft.com/infopath) as alternatives.
Our art department has created several forms using InDesign that we would
like to import into Word documents to create templates. Is this possible --
and if so -- what is the simplest method?>>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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