Is it possible to import the spreadsheet in MS Project to 2



Hi, I want to display the data of a MS Project file in a spreadsheet in my
windows application so I want to confirm is it possible to import the
spreadsheet in MS Project or hav to do it manually (i.e. using DataGridView
control to display)?


Johnathan said:
Hi, I want to display the data of a MS Project file in a spreadsheet in my
windows application so I want to confirm is it possible to import the
spreadsheet in MS Project or hav to do it manually (i.e. using DataGridView
control to display)?

There are various ways to get Project data into other applications.
Depending on the data you want to export from Project, you may be able
to use Save As and then select the output file type. This works fine for
Project's static data. For timescaled data, other options must be used.
You could try the utility "analyze timescaled data in Excel" found on
Project's "Analysis" toolbar. If you have Project 2007, you could use
the Visual Reports utility.

Other methods include, writing a VBA macro to export the data, setting a
query directly on the Project database, or creating a stand alone
application in (or VB6) to pull the data out of Project.

Project MVP


Nope, I'm not using Project Server 2007. Im using the COM object to pull the
data from a Project file but I also do want to make chages to certain data in
my application so it would be easier if I can call the entire spreadsheet
exactly as what in MS Project instead of manually draw a DataGridView control
and code it.


actually currently I'm using the COM object in my windows application where I
reference the COM object of MS Project 2007 to get the data from a MS Project
file and it works fine but instead of getting the data and display using
label,textbox and etc controls, I would like to display all the data in a
spreadsheet exactly like MS Project. If possible, I would also like to
display the graphical bar as well. Is there anyway to import the spreadsheet
and the graphical bar to represent task? I want to do this due to consistency
and user is more familiar with the interface.


Johnathan said:
actually currently I'm using the COM object in my windows application where I
reference the COM object of MS Project 2007 to get the data from a MS Project
file and it works fine but instead of getting the data and display using
label,textbox and etc controls, I would like to display all the data in a
spreadsheet exactly like MS Project. If possible, I would also like to
display the graphical bar as well. Is there anyway to import the spreadsheet
and the graphical bar to represent task? I want to do this due to consistency
and user is more familiar with the interface.

Sorry I can't help you on this one. I'm unfamiliar with using COM
objects. Hopefully someone else will step in with a suggestion.


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