I am working on an end-user form. I am wondering if it is possible in Word
2007 to make a variable length table that accomlishes the following:
* the header row is fixed
* end-users can easily add as many rows as needed
* the bottom row sums the columns that are added by the end-user
* is a stand-alone form that end-user can download and edit and then print
out several copies.
* is fairly idiot proof; the end user should require only a minimal
understanding of Word to use it.
2007 to make a variable length table that accomlishes the following:
* the header row is fixed
* end-users can easily add as many rows as needed
* the bottom row sums the columns that are added by the end-user
* is a stand-alone form that end-user can download and edit and then print
out several copies.
* is fairly idiot proof; the end user should require only a minimal
understanding of Word to use it.