Is it possible to recover digital ink from OneNote 2003?



I had around 7 pages of notes, mysteriously converted to text from digital
ink without my consent. The problem is, the notes were chemestry class
notes, so most of the converted text is unreadable and jibberish. Is there a
way to recover the digital ink?

Computer: Gateway M280
OS: XP Tablet
OneNote: 2003

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Can you right-click on the converted text and change it back? I'm not on
my Tablet righ now so I don't know the exact wording of the option, but it
shouldbe grouped with the alternate choices for the converted text.


I thought I could just recover them that way, but when I try, the option is
grayed out. I didn't backup the data at the time, my fear is that I am out
of luck.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Are you sure there's no backup? There should be automatically created
backups by default.

Check the options in Tools | Options | Backup to see how far back you
could potentially restore, and then File | Open Backup to find the backed
up section. Hopefully a backup exists which was taken after the notes
were written but before the conversion happened.


I just looked at the options in OneNote, backup was set to 1 day, save only 2
backups. So, that isn't an option. I am now saving the previous 30 days of
backups just in case.

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