Is it worth backing up speech recognition profile?



I've kept a complete back up of my hard disk from my old laptop and am now
ready to start using speech recognition with a) my new laptop b) Office 2003
Pro (as before) c) a new bluetooth headset Logitech F-0228A. I've found the
link to the Speech Recognition Profile Manager Tool for download, but I've
seen in some posts that the profiles are fairly hardware- and software-
specific - am I wasting my time and should I just re-train with the new setup?

Miss Perspicacia Tick

browniebodrum said:
I've kept a complete back up of my hard disk from my old laptop and
am now ready to start using speech recognition with a) my new laptop
b) Office 2003 Pro (as before) c) a new bluetooth headset Logitech
F-0228A. I've found the link to the Speech Recognition Profile
Manager Tool for download, but I've seen in some posts that the
profiles are fairly hardware- and software- specific - am I wasting
my time and should I just re-train with the new setup?

The SRP cannot be backed up. All hardware is different and you must retrain
with the new set-up.


What does the Speech Recognition Profile Manager Tool, do, then? Other posts
(including those from MVP's) seem to suggest you CAN re-install your training
info. Is that only for restoring the file(s) back onto identical hardware?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

The tool was created by the Windows Speech group
( for a customer requirement.
It's listed as 'unsupported' by MS (i.e. use as is) but
you may want to check with the folks in the Speechtech
newsgroup. Folks who have used it have had mixed results
on moving it to another computer or even restoring a profile
on the same computer.

What does the Speech Recognition Profile Manager Tool, do, then? Other posts
(including those from MVP's) seem to suggest you CAN re-install your training
info. Is that only for restoring the file(s) back onto identical hardware? >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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Thanks, Bob, I understand now. I think I'll just re-train with the new

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