Is it worth it for me to learn Access?


Matt S

Hello everyone,

I've been wondering this question for a few weeks now. My situation is that
I generate many "runlogs" from my reactor that have various outputs, such as
temperatures, sensor data, etc. versus time. Very frequently, I want to
compare one runlog to another. Sometimes I want to average the output of
several runlogs together. I currently have a macro made up in Excel that
analyzes the files, but it really is getting harder to manage all the excel
files floating around.

So is it worth dumping all the excel output from my macro into a database
and comparing them that way?


Jeff Boyce


Like an economist, which answer do you want?...(sorry, inside joke, no
unnecessary disrespect intended to economists)

MS Access is a relational database. If you want to get the best use of it,
you need to feed it well-normalized relational data.

If you've been using Excel, I'm sorry, but you may have to UN-learn some
things before you can get Access to work well.

And then there are the things you need to learn. In fact, I generally point
out at least four separate learning curves you'll want to consider:

1. relational database design -- it all starts with the data
2. Access tricks & tips -- I've been at it for over 15 years, and I'm
still learning...
3. Graphical User Interface -- if it isn't easy to use and understand,
it won't get used
4. Application development -- if you've never built a house, where do
you start?!

Sorry if that's a bit too generic, but you'll find that these newsgroups,
for as long as they continue (soon to be discontinued by Microsoft), work
best if you seek specific answers to specific questions.

Best of luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer


Hi Matt,

Excel is good when you have a small number of scenarios to analyze. A
database is approproate when the number of scenarios is large. Obviously,
the number of scenarios is beyond what Excel can analyze efficiently for
you. So, Access is the appropriate tool for you. I provide help with Access,
Excel and Word applications for a small fee. Let me put together a database
for you that you can use to analyze your reactor data. I would import your
existing Excel data into the new database. My fee would be very reasonable.
The advantage to you would be you would get to see how an Access application
is put together, you would get a more efficient system for analyzing your
reactor data and at that point if you wanted to add more functionality you
could learn Access and add the new functionality yourself.

By the way, I was previously an engineer in a large refinery so am familiar
with reactor data.

(e-mail address removed)

Matt S

they're getting rid of these forums?! That's ridiculous... there's so much
I've learned from here! This is pretty much my go-to location for any VBA

Thanks for the reply, by the way.


Jeff Boyce

Before you avail yourself of any services offered "for a fee", you need to
be aware that the Code of Conduct for these newsgroups prohibits advertising
"for fee" services. Do you really want to do business with someone who
disregards the rules?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer


Code of Conduct for these newsgroups does not prohibit advertising "for fee"
services. Just as his email says; that's nonsense. That's a lie that this
guy continuously propagates. The Code of Conduct for these newsgroups does
prohibit lieing. Do you really want to trust anything an MVP who lies?



John... Visio MVP

Reactor data from a refinery?. Stevie, do you really know what you are
talking about?

John... Visio MVP

BruceM via

You will be shot down every time you try to sell your services here. Lashing
out at justifiable reprimands only makes you look small and desperate.
Code of Conduct for these newsgroups does not prohibit advertising "for fee"
services. Just as his email says; that's nonsense. That's a lie that this
guy continuously propagates. The Code of Conduct for these newsgroups does
prohibit lieing. Do you really want to trust anything an MVP who lies?


Before you avail yourself of any services offered "for a fee", you need to
be aware that the Code of Conduct for these newsgroups prohibits
[quoted text clipped - 82 lines]

Jeff Boyce


You're right. The Rules of Conduct (see below) do not prohibit advertising,
they merely ask that you refrain from it. I can see how you could interpret
the second sentence of the third topic to allow you to post your offers,
provided you mention something about the "intended use and purpose of the
newsgroup". However, if you read the first sentence of that section, it
clearly states that the purpose is to provide peer-to-peer assistance. That
would seem to obviate asking for payment for your assistance.

Rules of Conduct

Appropriate Language: The purpose of our communities is to exchange
technical information and expertise about Microsoft products. Please avoid
personal attacks, slurs, and profanity in your interactions.

Relevance to Topics: Please make sure that your postings in newsgroups and
chats are relevant to the subject at hand. It is normal for some topics to
drift from the stated subject. However, to ensure maximum benefit for
everyone, we encourage you to keep your postings as close to the subject as

Advertising/Solicitation: These communities were created as a forum for
providing peer-to-peer assistance related to using Microsoft products and
services. We ask that you refrain from posting unsolicited advertisements
that do not pertain directly to the intended use and purpose of the
newsgroup or chat.

Confidentiality: Please keep in mind that our communities are public spaces,
so don't post anything that you don't want the world to see. Credit card
numbers, product keys, and other confidential information, including
anything covered under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), should not be
posted to a newsgroup, chat, or other community.



Jeff Boyce


Good lord!! How does providing peer-to-peer assistance obviate asking for
payment for your assistance?? Each Access poster in the newsgroups is a peer
to all other Access posters. Likewise I am a peer to all Access posters. I
offer paid assistance to my peers when it appears extensive help is needed.
I earn the right to offer paid assistance by additionally providing numerous
posys of free advise.

Advertisements that do not pertain directly to the intended use and purpose
of the newsgroup or chat refer to posts regarding bicycles, shoes, watches
and other asundry merchandise that has nothing to do with Access. I do not
advertise bicycles, shoes, watches and other asundry merchandise.

The Rules of Conduct ask that you avoid personal attacks, slurs, and
profanity in your interactions. Your lies, personnal attacks and slurs
against me are what's in violation of the Rules of Conduct. You have two out
of three you might as well add profanity in your interactions then you'll
have three for three!!!


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