G'day John,
I looked at your site. It is still Pub 2003 code which might explain why
there is no change. You need to delete all the old Pub 2003 HTML files and
folder and upload the Pub 2000. If you have uploaded Pub 2000 files, then
take care to delete all Pub files from you host and start fresh.
Pub 2000 cannot open Pub 2002 or 2003 files, while 2002 and 2003 will open
2000 files and convert them...they changed the format. If you opened or
created a file in Pub 2003, you will have to open it again in 2003 and do a
Save As Pub 2000 file to convert it. In the process you will probably find
that some of the formatting has changed, so check your publication carefully
before you upload it again. I keep my Pub 2000 files in a separate folder
from my Pub 2003 files in order to keep this from happening. And of course
back up, back up, and then back up again. In fact, if you have a back up
file of your original Pub 2000 files, start with them.
Another challenge with having more than one version of Publisher installed
is choosing which version to use as the default, which is usually the one
most recently installed. You might have to open the version of Publisher you
want to use, and open files from within Publisher. Otherwise whichever
version of Publisher you have set as the default, will always try to open
any *.pub file that you just double click on. If you want to set one or the
other as the default, go to a *.pub file > right click > open with and
select the version you prefer and make it the default...there is a check box
"always open this files with"...or something like that.
As to "cantering", I know you are from Australia, but do you mean
"centering"...maybe they mean the same thing? Although you can edit the html
code manually to center Pub 2000 pages, you would have to do this again
every time you make a change to the page, so it is usually discouraged. You
might want to read "Understanding background padding in a Publisher web (aka
white space)" to understand this concept and some workarounds:
There was also another workaround for centering posted by someone recently
that I can look up if you decide you do want your pages centered. (Don, if
you read this, you were going to use the workaround if I remember right. Do
you have it?