Diane said:
We discussed this a while back. One option is to use Keyboard Maestro to
See this screenshot:
See this page for using Keyboard Maestro with Entourage:
KM is $36 or upgrade $18. It�s from the makers of Interarchy. I�m not
affiliated with the product...just a satisfied user.
Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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Thanks Diane but I got it figured out. There's a command in Quickeys
but it doesn't work on Entourage but seems to work on everything else.
So I wrote Startly and they told me how to do it using the double
click method. They said it might be scriptable so that's why I asked
as I didn't want to try to figure that out if its not possible.
Anyway, this double click method works beautifully so I'm glad I wrote
What we were talking about before was just moving a window and I knew
how to do that but I couldn't figure out how to resize it with the
resize command not working on Entourage. Goes to show you that
Entourage is dated in the way its presenting to the system as this
resize command is new in v4 and only operates on normative apps.