Is Sale Methodology Right



I have a batch table with the primary key BatchNo, BatchName, BatchType and
BatchDate. This is linked One to Many to a transaction table, with productID,
UnitAmount, Quantity, BatchNo. It is also Linked One to Many to a Payment
with BatchNo, AmountReceived, DepositNo, ReceiptNo, Payment Method and it
also linked One to Many to Customer Name Table. I end up with many to many
relationships. I have a Journal Table linked to Payment Table by DepositNo.
In the Journal Table I have field ReconciledDate. Most of my sale data
reports will be based on this reconciled date field. In some payment tables
2 to 4 different payments are received in different reconciled periods. Will
this structure cause a problem in writing reports later. For example, a
category sales breakdown report based on reconciled date. If it does cause a
problem in report structure what would be another approach to setting up the
relationships or tables. I do plan to add a shrinkage table to the batch
table also.

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