Is string


Arne Hegefors

I have a macro that gets data from another program. I want to check that data
and "clean" it ie remove unneccessay blanks etc. The data is stored in the
variable BBAnswer. I then check that variable:

If IsRatingOK(BBAnswer) Then

Function IsRatingOK(BBAnswer As Variant) As Boolean
IsRatingOK = False
Rating = CleanRating(BBAnswer)
End Function

Function CleanRating(BBAnswer As Variant) As String
c_pos = InStr(1, BBAnswer, " ", 1)
on the last row I get an error if BBAnswer is not a string ie it has some
other format. Please help me how to solve this problem. Is there anything
like IsDate() or is there any other way of solving this? Please help! Any
help appreciated! Thanks alot in advance!

Bob Phillips

I cannot reproduce the problem. What is in BBAnswer that causes your


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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