Is Sumproduct best for me?


Matt S

I have at least 180,000 temperature data points that I need to break up into
a distribution curve. I essentially need to count the number of data points
between 100 and 105, then from 105 to 110, etc all the way until 495 to 500.

I'm currently using SumProduct, but attempts so far lead to 5+ min of
computation time. There has to be a better way! I obviously have
screenupdating off and all that jazz. Just wondering if sumproduct is right
for me.


Sean Timmons

If you haven't already, create a column with 100, 105, 110, 115, etc. Copy
and paste down to 500.

Then, your sumproduct would be >=B2 then <=B3
Copy the formula to bottom and you are done.

Otherwise, you can use a pivot table.. drop in your temp points in the row
and whatever field you want tinto data. Right click on the temperature point,
click group and outline, and have it group by 5...

Sean Timmons

If using Frequency...

Create that handy list of numbers.. 100, 105, etc.

Then, highlight row from top of your list to bottom, enter =FREQUENCY(Column
of points,list of numbers) then hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. This should populate
results all the way down the list for you.


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