I have been told by a colleague that the Creation date showing in the
document properties does not always represent the original creation date of a
document. Is that true? If so, what does it represent? WORD version 2003
Yes, your colleague is correct.
When you first save a document, that date and time are saved a
creation date.
However, if you copy the file to another directory, the creation date
of the new file would be the date the copy was made, not the date the
original file was first saved. Hence it is perfectly possible that the
creation date is more recent than the last modified date. I guess that
the logical definition of "creation date" would still hold here as you
"created" a new copy.
However, as with any timestamp in Windows (creation date, last
modified date, last accessed date, ...), it can be altered by the user
if required (backup, predating, ...). And there is no way to tell if
it has been altered or not. This is almost never done, but it is