selim baþtürk
in a word document i find the occurence of 1.) , then the occurance of 2.)
and want to select everything within them.
int sno=wd.Content.Text.IndexOf("1.)",0);
int Ano=wd.Content.Text.IndexOf("2.)",0);
object s=sno;
object a = Ano;
MessageBox.Show(wd.Range(ref s,ref a).Text);
if there is no object between the occurences of 1.) and 2.) no problem, BUT
when there is an object (a bitmap or a clipart picture) between them, range
contains upto the object and several more characters, but not up to 2.)
Also, there is not a "2.)" occurence in rtf code of the object too...
does anyone know why can this happen? how can i fix that?!?
in a word document i find the occurence of 1.) , then the occurance of 2.)
and want to select everything within them.
int sno=wd.Content.Text.IndexOf("1.)",0);
int Ano=wd.Content.Text.IndexOf("2.)",0);
object s=sno;
object a = Ano;
MessageBox.Show(wd.Range(ref s,ref a).Text);
if there is no object between the occurences of 1.) and 2.) no problem, BUT
when there is an object (a bitmap or a clipart picture) between them, range
contains upto the object and several more characters, but not up to 2.)
Also, there is not a "2.)" occurence in rtf code of the object too...
does anyone know why can this happen? how can i fix that?!?