Is there a conversion to import Outlook notes into One Note


Ed Boyd (seaboyd

This is so obvious it shouldn't be a question but I'll bet the answer is that
there isn't a way to transfer one's Outlook notes to One Note? Since
Microsoft came out with One NOte later than Officer Suite and married it to
the Office Suite... why aren't notes an intregal part of both programs. After
all the subject is notes.

Chris H.

OneNote is a separate program, not a tool for Outlook. Besides, not
everyone runs both programs on their systems. That said, there is a lot of
integration with other Office applications which would be nice. It just
isn't available in OneNote SP1, and Microsoft has not made public any
information on what may or may not be in a new version.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

"Ed Boyd ([email protected])" <Ed Boyd
([email protected])> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

Chris H.

PowerToys are not from Microsoft, and as such aren't officially supported.
:cool: Some are really nice to have, but if there's integration of notes
between Outlook and OneNote I'd rather see the ability to Export All (or a
selected segment of any number desired by the user) or Import All (or
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

chris, did you forget about the outlook to onenote powertoy? :)

Sure, but that doesn't help him get his Outlook Notes to OneNote. Just
messages. I guess you might be able to drag the notes to the Inbox, have
them autoconverted to Messages, then use the OneNote PowerToy and send
them to OneNote.

I've never tried that so I'm not sure how well it would work.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Lawrence E. Oliver

Would the "OneNote Image Writer" powertoy work for the movement of the notes
from Outlook to ON?

Ed Boyd (seaboyd

First, thank you all for your prompt responses! The ability to see the "real
world" and apply practical common sense is one of the common faults at
Microsoft or many other tech companies. One of the reasons for my question
was that... [1] when one goes to and searches for OneNote, the
very first reply takes you to OneNote's Home page. Low and behold in the
upper left hand corner the heading is MICROSOFT OFFICE ONLINE. Within that
Office grouping is OneNote. [2] When I read the Help and Getting Started, I
see several references to migrating tasks, calander etc. but nothing on
notes. [3] Since Outlook and its notes have been around a long time, it would
be LOGICAL to say that one could accumulate a lot of those notes and since
OneNote is a NOTE program, it might further follow that one would keep ALL
their notes there!?
I'm not an expert or MS certified, I'm a small businessman but I have been
around since DOS 1. Based on what I think is logical (above) and the
responses to my question, it appears that you all are telling me that OneNote
is a waste of time and money... stick with the notes one has in Outlook??

Chris H.

I'm not saying that at all, Ed. OneNote is a separate program which can and
does operate independently of other Office products. While it may be part
of the "family" that doesn't mean it has all the other attributes (see all
the posts requesting tools "like" the other apps) or functionalities.

OneNote stands by itself, whether on a regular computer or a Tablet PC.
Yet, no one says it is the meet all/end all application. It is a matter of
choice for the user. Personally, I've been using Outlook since inception
and never have used the "note" capabilities there. Since I'm primarily
oriented to Tablet PCs in my interests, I use both OneNote and GoBinder from

Each of those applications are in use for different reasons, as I've
determined my own usage, but I'm not going to slam OneNote or GoBinder for
doing or not doing this or that. They are similar, but different, and I
accept that. Outlook's "notes" and those in OneNote are different -
especially on a Tablet PC - and are not expected to be integrated (at this
point). That said, I haven't a clue yet what a new version of OneNote will
bring, just as Microsoft is being very closed-mouthed about the next version
of the regular Office applications.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

"Ed Boyd ([email protected])"
First, thank you all for your prompt responses! The ability to see the
world" and apply practical common sense is one of the common faults at
Microsoft or many other tech companies. One of the reasons for my question
was that... [1] when one goes to and searches for OneNote,
very first reply takes you to OneNote's Home page. Low and behold in the
upper left hand corner the heading is MICROSOFT OFFICE ONLINE. Within that
Office grouping is OneNote. [2] When I read the Help and Getting Started,
see several references to migrating tasks, calander etc. but nothing on
notes. [3] Since Outlook and its notes have been around a long time, it
be LOGICAL to say that one could accumulate a lot of those notes and since
OneNote is a NOTE program, it might further follow that one would keep ALL
their notes there!?
I'm not an expert or MS certified, I'm a small businessman but I have been
around since DOS 1. Based on what I think is logical (above) and the
responses to my question, it appears that you all are telling me that
is a waste of time and money... stick with the notes one has in Outlook??

Chris H. said:
OneNote is a separate program, not a tool for Outlook. Besides, not
everyone runs both programs on their systems. That said, there is a lot
integration with other Office applications which would be nice. It just
isn't available in OneNote SP1, and Microsoft has not made public any
information on what may or may not be in a new version.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

"Ed Boyd ([email protected])" <Ed Boyd
([email protected])> wrote in message


you don't have to move anything to any other folder for it to work, i just
went to my notes folder, selected the notes i wanted to import, and clicked

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

you don't have to move anything to any other folder for it to work, i
went to my notes folder, selected the notes i wanted to import, and
on the onenote icon on the toolbar

Interesting. I rarely use that toy so I hadn't tried it. In my
experience it had only worked with messages (not tasks or appointments)
and I didn't expect it would work with Notes.

Glad to hear that it will.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Erik Sojka (MVP)

In addition to the suggestions here, if you have a Pocket PC and
ActiveSync, Outlook's notes get automatically copied from the PPC to
OneNote when you sync.

"=?Utf-8?B?RWQgQm95ZCAoc2VhYm95ZEBjb21jYXN0Lm5ldCk=?=" <Ed Boyd
([email protected])> wrote in

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