Is there a faster performing Image-Object available?



Hi there,

I'm looking for a faster performing Image-Object in Word 2003/2007.
At the moment Word is slowing extremely down when inserting a Picture bigger
than 800x600. Or can I set up the Standard Bitmap Image Object to behave

Kind Regards,

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Marc,

Are you using Insert=>Picture or Insert=>Object? Objects have extra baggage with them that pictures from file would not have.

Is Word slow when showing a file folder of pictures, or in inserting it once you've selected it, or ???

What format are the pictures and how were they generated?
Hi there,

I'm looking for a faster performing Image-Object in Word 2003/2007.
At the moment Word is slowing extremely down when inserting a Picture bigger
than 800x600. Or can I set up the Standard Bitmap Image Object to behave

Kind Regards,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

challa prabhu


Using Image Object will provide you with an Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) environment. The Object just uses the application within
which it was created, without using the Start->All Programs and the
application you want to use.
When you use this method, the image will just be embedded in the document.

Out-Process Communication: OLE 1.0

This image you have embedded, will behave as OLE 1.0 by opening the source
application as a different process. Therefore the performance will slower.
For example, if you have different objects inserted in the document using
different application, then doubling clicking each object will open the
application a different process. They will not use the OLE 2.0 technology.

Recommended method: In-process Communication: OLE 2.0

Therefore it is recommended that you copy the image and paste it in the
document using the Paste Special command. This will store the reference to
the source document, and when you double click the image the application
under which this this image was created will open within the document or when
you modify the source file the changes will be automatically reflected in the
target document.

Challa Prabhu


I tried 2 things:
1. putting in a picture with Ctrl+C ctrl+V
2. putting it in with "insert picture"
3. took an Image Object - which didn't work at all (getting a picture in

What I found out was, that both 1 & 2 turned out to be very slow when the
picture got a size bigger than 800x600 px.


ok, understood - parts of it.
What is a "the Paste Special command"?

Kind regards,


Hi Suzanne,
where exactly is this option in Word 2007 as I only can see "Insert"?
Kind regards,

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