IS there a fix for DLL not referencing from VBA.. IF not get one p


Harry Sorensen

In windows system32 and some in windows pro Photo Tools there are some dll
about images ima......dll and photos
When I try to reference them from VBA Excel the dreaded Can not reference
error turns up..

Can this be fixed...... if not are there any good dll available... free...
for metadata and IPTC data or XMP. For JPG ....that can be referenced from

PS any ideas where Picasa 3 stores its people data ???

HELP Help & F1

Harry S,

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There is no reson why you can't reference any file or DLL in VBA excel.
there must be an error in your deinition of the DLL or usage of the dl
to get anyn error. I suspect either you are using the wrong entry poin
for thehdll or the wrong type of variable for the dll. I lot of dl
have more than one entry point depending on the language that is callin
the dll. some dll have one enty point "abc" and a 2nd "abcA". Anothe
common problem is the stack definition. There are two methods o
passing the call stack to a dll. the STANDARD method and the C-Languag
method. Depending on the compiling options of the dll depends on whic
method is used. That is why there are two entry points in the dll t
handle both cases

Peter T

Not sure if "EXIF" covers IPTC and XMP. If you think it does post back for
solution to read all EXIF data

Peter T

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