is there a formula that will subtract todays date from a hire date



is there a formula that will subtract todays date from a hire date so that I
could have a "years of service" column


in one cell enter the formula as follow

this will bring todays date, let's say is in cell E5, then use the formula
as follow to calculate the difference

=DATEDIF(D5,$E$5,"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(D5,$E$5,"ym")&" months
"&DATEDIF(D5,$E$5,"md")&" days"

Change range to fit your needs

if this help please click yes, thanks

Jacob Skaria

With hire date in A1 try


If this post helps click Yes

Shane Devenshire


The formula will depend on what you define as years of service.

If it's just whole years then

In A1 enter the Date of Hire as a date
In A2 enter =DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"y")

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