Is there a good way to display dynamic text on a form?



What's the best way for achieving this simple task?

A simple example would be the scenario where I want the text "Today is:
Tuesday" to appear on the form, where the day is "computed" in the code
behind and displayed on the form.

The only way I can think of to do this is with a read-only text box, but I
don't want to use a text box, just plain text.

Any suggestions?

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

You can use an Expression box. Bind it to a field in the main data source
(you can drag-and-drop a text field to the form and then convert the Text Box
for the field to an Expression box; it will be automatically bound to the
field) and update the value of that field in code. The value will appear in
the Expression box and will look like a label.


Many thanks...

I've never used the Expression control. I'm going to have to play around
with it a bit...


S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

No worries. Good luck!
S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

SethMW said:
Many thanks...

I've never used the Expression control. I'm going to have to play around
with it a bit...


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