Is there a keyboard shortcut for turning on italics?



I am needing to turn italics on and off multiple times while keying in large
amounts of text. I need Word keyboard shortcuts so that I need not position
my mouse over the Italics icon many times.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Ctrl+I toggles italics on and off. Ctrl+B for bold, Ctrl+U for underline,
etc. For others, see the "Keyboard shortcuts" Help topic.


Thank you for YOUR succinct, yet thorough answer. The other responses
answered my question, but YOU gave examples of other commonly needed
shortcuts, as well as a pointer to how to get more information (& the tip of
a needed iceberg of related subjects).

Although I needed italic keyboard shortcuts, you went one step further and
sensed it was not the ONLY thing I needed shortcuts for, and your answer,
although brief, gave me the PERFECT response. Even if I only wanted the
italics question answered, your answer was short enough not to bog the answer

Thanks again. You've made a good impression on someone who's surrounded by
Micro$oft bashers. This is my first Discussion Group post and now I've got a
positive boost in a negative environment! Way to go! The tech world needs a
LOT more problem-solvers/educators with your mindset.
Jay (a long-time Indiana techie with sparse Word experience)

Stefan Blom

Also note that you can look in the Customize Keyboard dialog box for a
complete list of shortcuts associated with each Word command.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Glad I could help. I often have occasion to refer to the "Keyboard
shortcuts" Help topic; as Stefan points out, if you know the command you
need a shortcut for, you can find it through Tools | Customize | Keyboard,
but the Help topic can make you aware of shortcuts for commands you didn't
know existed!

Don Ellis

Hi Suzanne,

One modification I've made is to turn Bold into Ctrl-O, so I can hold
the Control key and use U, I, O as I like for all three of the common
emphasis changes.


Graham Mayor

While you can setup whatever configuration you like, I don't see that this
gets you very far. CTRL+B (bold) is a lot more logical than CTRL+O which is
pre-defined for File > Open?

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Don Ellis

It gets you pretty far for ergonomics -- especially when you want to
bold and italicize the same line, or bold and underline it, or all

Ctrl+U, I and O are right there under three fingers on adjacent keys.

Easier for me to define some other key combination to open a file.


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