Is there a list ??


Box 666

Over the last few weeks I have been helped by several members of this news
group, for which I thank you. On each occasion the solution to my problem
does not seem to have been well documented in "help" books etc.i.e. today's
problem needed the use of "TimeValue"

Whilst I am sure if I had searched in the Access help file or Microsoft help
desk under "TimeValue" it would have given me correct information, my
dilemma is that I did not know about it in the first place, therefore I
could not search for it.!!

So my question, is there a list of such items (as well as a decode as to
what they do.) and if so where?


Joe Fallon

You are on it! <g>

It is called experience.
Just post and describe what you want - someone has done it and will share
the anwser.

John Vinson

Whilst I am sure if I had searched in the Access help file or Microsoft help
desk under "TimeValue" it would have given me correct information, my
dilemma is that I did not know about it in the first place, therefore I
could not search for it.!!

This is a universal dilemma; until you can ask the right question it's
hard to find the answer! This dilemma is deepend by the fact that
Microsoft *badly* screwed up the indexing and search capabilities of
Access (and all of Office) Help with the release of 2000. It's gotten
a bit better in some ways but with the automatic online help in 2003,
worse in others (unless you have dedicated broadband on at all times
*and* Microsoft's online help computers are working better than

I wish I could point you to someplace to find this stuff but... my
cerebral cortex is not online and would be very carefully firewalled
if it were, and the other volunteers here would agree!

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