Is there a "seemless" way to update Outlook appointments with OneN



Hi, I am still new to OneNote, but my organization is addopting it as our
standard over the coming months. As such we have no SME at this time,
hopefuly you guys can help. I have found the basic part of what I need to do
(moving data from OneNote to MY [non-shared] Outlook Calendar by slecting the
data >> Tools >> Send to Outlook >> Oulook Appointment)

However, because we are updating data from the inception of an event up to
the start date of the event and we have people offsite that cannot always
access OneNote, but can always check shared calendars, I would like t be able
to do the following:

Create an event in OneNote and duplicate it on a shared Outlook Calendar.
Then as my team updates the data in OneNote to have that data update in the
Shared Outlook Calendar. Even if the update is more like an autosave (every
5-10 minutes) that would be AMAZING for my team and the groups both support
us and that we support.

Any help would be great! If I am not clear, let me know and I will try to
explain better.


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