is there a template for writing checks on preprinted bank checks



I am working with a group that has a one time task of issueing about 1200
checks each with the same date and amount. We have each of the reciepants
names and addresses in an excel spreadsheet and would like to print the
checks by computer on computer checks ordered from our bank and supplied by
Davis and Henderson a leading check printer in Canada. We would need to print
on the check is specific locations the date, amount and persons name and
address. This needs to be exact so that the return address on the check and
the persons name and address printed on the check would show through standard
windowed envelopes. We intend to use checks that are 3 parts (part 1 check,
part 2 stub and part 3 stub) on each single sheet of check stock. Our intent
is to also print a standard note on the part 2 and part 3 stub. We do not
have a need to print any deductions etc. on the stub


and the Question is in the Subject statement. Ãs there a word template or
excel template for writing checks on preprinted bank checks?


Davis and Henderson only print the actual blank check not the actual date,
person receiveing the check and their address, text amount, numerical amount
nor the signatures. What I'm looking for is a template to use their blank
checks and merge with an excel spreadsheet to print all the needed fields
including is possible jpg images of the signatures. Also I would like to
print a note/letter on the second and 3rd portions/stubs of the checks. The
checks are a sheet with the check on the top portion then under the check the
next 3.5 inches is a blank section where you could print the deductions if
needed we want to insert a note in this sectioin explaining the reson the
check is being sent. The 3rd section another 3.5 inches of stub would also be
used for notes or the remainder of the note contained in the second protion.
e.g. 1 portion 3.5 inches is the blank acatual check with all the preprinted
and encoded standard check stuff. 2nd and 3rd section is blank and we would
use to print a standard note to all those receiveing the check.


Yes I understand what template means. And so, presumably, do Davis and
Henderson, since they provide one for printing their checks.

Graham Mayor

If Davis & Henderson won't supply a template in Word format then you are
going to have to create your own as all bank cheques have slightly different
layouts. It's essentially a label mail merge, using a table to match the
layout of your cheques. may help.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Daaaaaaaaaaaaaa! what part of they (davis + Henderson) do NOT provide a
template are you not understanding? That is exactly why I'm looking for a
template. Do you have a personal checking account. Look at your unused
checks. That is what Davis and Henderson do. They provide the personalized
blank checks you get for your bank account. They come with your name and
adddress on them and the bank account encoding accross the bottom. You
personally hand write into fields on the check the date, pay to..... the
amount etc and sign the check making it now a form of payment. We're looking
to put the purchased check stock (unused checks) into our printer and using a
word template and a merge function to print on this stock the fields that you
would normally hand write. Yes I would have thought Davis + Henderson might
think it a good sales tool to provide such a template However they do not.


Thanks, I see that you understand the problem. having to set up our own
label mail merge is our last resort as you are correct checks differ in
layout. So to do this we need first to order the stock at a cost of $600.00
only then can we get the correct positioning of the fields. I was hoping
since Davis + Henderson are the leading Check supplier in Canada that there
would already be templates/label mail merge setups out there somewhere for
their products.

Graham Mayor

If they are the leading supplier - ask them for a sample. They must have
come across this issue before.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Suzanne S. Barnhill

I looked at their Web site (even that is quite difficult to find) and didn't
find any templates. Can you supply a link?


Follow the link to 'Other software providers' ... I can't quote the link
directly because it's a pop-up.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I did, and further clicked on the Microsoft Business Solutions link. It
brings up a PDF brochure advertising checks and forms. It does *not* provide
templates for those checks or forms, though there is a suggestion that
Microsoft Business Solutions might do so, or provide form-filling software.


I suspect the OP has long since lost interest, but they *are* there,
Suzanne. Keep looking if you're really keen.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You are clearly determined to waste my time. There are no templates at any
of those links--only PDF brochures.


Thanks Suzanne, I've been away for a few days and checking back see that you
have taken up my problem and find exactly what I find. I suspect this Jezebel
is not all with it or as you say just wasting our time. If you do find a
template please let me know. As I've said I'm not interested in loading over
1000 peoples names addresses etc into quickbooks just to do a one time check
write. Thanks again for your assistance.


I had the same question and found your post. I had to create a word merge
document that is laid out like the check and a data table that holds the info
to merge onto the "voucher Style" check. It may take some time to get the
fields to line up right on your preprinted check so you could make some
photocopies of your check and practice. Determine which side and direction
your printer prints on and then just feed your checks into the printer and
You have to start with a "letter" but change the merge field names to the
fields on your check. I have a sample I could e-mail to you but your address
is not available here. Good Luck

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