Is there a timeframe for 64-bit "Send to OneNote" printer driver ?


Der Tosi


A couple of months ago (06-14-2007), Daniel Escapa answered a user on his
blog about the Send-to-OneNote printer driver. The answer was that it wasn't
supported on Vista 64-bit (yet). No timeframe was given fo a printer driver
to appear.

Since I am myself using Vista 64-bit and OneNote, and switching to Vista-32
bit really isn't an option (of monetary reasons more than anything), I'd like
to know if there's a timeframe set for the Send-to-OneNote printer driver for
Windows Vista 64-bit ?

I'd say the sketchy support for 64-bit drivers has really been hampering my
Vista experience. I'd really like to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
And I'd prefer it not to be a train...


I share the same sentiment. i want to side-grade from 64bit Ultimate to 32
bit Ultimate because my HP printer's network scanning software also doesn't
work in 64bit, but does in 32.

Josh Einstein

Count me in. I use OneNote 2007 on my 64 bit desktop and it's a real pain
not to be able to print here. Sometimes I'll turn on my tablet just to do
the print.

Der Tosi

Is there really no-one that can supply us 64-bit users with an answer ?

I / *we* really would like to know when and/or IF to expect a send to
OneNote printer driver for Vista 64-bit.



I'd have to say I am in the same boat -

I have tracked down a lot of derogatory comments on Google regarding MS
inablity to supply something as simple as a 64bit print driver.

Yet I can't seem to find any info that MS has anything in the works....

Der Tosi

Unfortunately, I think after 3+ months of Vista 64 in the field that
Microsofts support for their future asset borderlines on either incompetence
or gross ingorance.

Since the 64-bit model has been around for quite some time now (Windows XP
64-bit, Windows NT 3.51 for the Alpha architecture) you could expect code to
be written in a portable fashion, simultaneously for the 32-bit (dominant but
on its way out) and 64-bit platforms.

Personally, I've taken a huge productivity hit since I "upgraded" to Vista.
VS2005 works like a stallion - with all of its legs broken. The Interix
additions to Vista Ultimate actually muck up the user rights on the system
(yes, I need UNIX compatibility). Popular applications like Mathematica don't
install correctly, and an application from Microsoft themselves (Microsoft
Math 2006 - I use it for its matrix calculations) ceased working sometime a
month or two into Vista due to some of their fixes (yeah, I tried to buy the
2008 version, sold through Digital River - but for the past months all I get
is an error page, and my bug reports on the matter are met with the loudest
of silence).

I'm less than six months from my B.Sc. in computer science, and I am most
certain that Vista in all its incarnations will not be a part of my future.

Too bad I can't get a refund on the $800+ I've spent on Vista and
accompanying apps.

Regarding the derogatory comments, they may have seemed unwarranted a few
weeks ago, but considering the current status and the lack of communication,
I think they're just living up to their hype...

My server has gone the way of Solaris, and I'm wondering if I should go back
to XP, or take the plunge for some Linux. Doesn't really matter since I can
program in Java on any platform :)

Josh Einstein

LOL if you think you have compatibility problems with Vista 64, desktop
Linux is sure to be a joy.

I agree that lack of a OneNote printer in Vista 64 is really bad. Almost as
bad as the Windows Live stuff not supporting Vista 64 bit due to the crappy
home-grown installer they unilaterally decided was better than MSI. But I
gotta say I'm using Vista 64 bit on my desktop and almost everything runs
very well. I've been using Visual Studio 2008 lately, but 2005 worked as

Regarding Microsoft Math, the fact that it just stopped working could be
anything. If you know it's a specific problem with Vista that's one thing,
but if it's unexplained, it could be something as unrelated as a corrupt
data file somewhere or some other bug in the application.

I share your pain though on the whole digital river thing. I bought
Microsoft Money from the official site last year and it's been a disaster.
Every time I email support asking them to reset my activation count (it's
not installed ANYWHERE at the moment) they send me back a serial number for
Norton Ghost which I bought from them like 5 years ago. And there's no way
to contact them. Reflects badly on MS.

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