No, there is no 'value' associated with the event. But you can record the
fact that a user clicked a particular button by using a static variable or a
form-level or global variable. Use a static variable if you need to
determine whether the user has already clicked the button from code within
the Click event procedure. Use a form-level variable if you need to
determine whether the user has already clicked the button from code behind
the same form. Use a global variable if you need to determine this from code
in other forms or modules.
Declare a static variable within the event procedure using the Static
keyword. To declare a form-level variable, declare it in the Declarations
section of the form module, after the Option Compare Database and Option
Explicit statements but before any Sub or Function declarations. To declare
a global variable, declare it using the Public keyword in a standard module
(not a form, report, or other class module).
Here's an example using a static variable ...
Private Sub cmdTest_Click()
Static ClickCount As Long
ClickCount = ClickCount + 1
Me.cmdTest.Caption = "You've clicked me " & ClickCount & " time(s)"
End Sub
See the VBA help topics 'Understanding the Lifetime of Variables' and
'Understanding Scope and Visibility' for more information.