Is there a way for a main document include other word or excel doc


Lizette Koehler

I know the Master Document will do what I want. However, I am updating an
old document and do not wish to go thru to process of converting it to a
Master with subdocuments.

In my main document I want to include a link to a document that will expand
each time it is printed. This subdocument will change and so do not wish to
manually include it with each printing. Other than a Master with sub
documents, is there a way to create a link or something like that which will
get my external document each time? Will that also work for Excel Spread
sheets being included into a word doc? I am thinking that Mail Merge on the
Excel Docs may be my only way.



From the concensus of opinions I've come to believe you're better off
staying away from Master/Subdocs, anyway :)

You might be able to Bookmark the passage in the source document & use an
INCLUDETEXT field in the main doc.

I'm not sure you can do so with an Excel file, though. For that you may be
able to Insert the Excel file as an embedded object set to display as an
icon. Then set the icon's Text Wrapping to In Line with Text.

Format both the INCLUDTEXT and embedded Excel object as Hidden
(Format>Font). When you print, go to the Print Options & check the box for
Hidden Text. Also, right-click the Excel icon & choose Worksheet
Object>Convert to reveal the worksheet content. The hidden text will display
when you have the ¶s on, dbl-click the Excel icon to open the embedded file.

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