Is there a way of Making monthly tabs without typing each month?

  • Thread starter UCAPERSinAlaska
  • Start date


I would like to avoid typing in each month every time I create a workbook.
I have to do individual yearly workbooks. Is there a faster way to make
monthly tabs. Example type Jan, Feb, Mar and then somehow the spreadsheet
would fill in the following monthly tabs?

Dave O

The easiest way is to make a blank file with appropriate tab names, and
then make copies of that file.

Or, create a tab called "List", start your list in cell A1, and run
this code:

Sub Add_Tabs_From_List()
Dim Nayme As String
Dim K As Byte
K = 1

Range("a1").Select 'this is the first cell in List

Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "" 'Loop until a blank cell is encountered
Nayme = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveSheet.Name = Nayme
Sheets(Nayme).Move After:=Sheets(K + 1)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
K = K + 1
End Sub


You could make a master workbook, which contains all the standard dat
formats, tab names etc, and save it as "yearbook master" Just mak
sure you rename the new workbook when you "save as

Bernie Deitrick


Don't use monthly tabs - that is poor workbook design. Instead, use one sheet with the same data
table design, but with an additional column for month - or better yet, date - and then use filters
and/or pivot tables to view and manipulate your data.

MS Excel MVP


I have to use this design, I do not have a choice. The workbooks are not the
same in content, only that I have different users (1100) submit a month by
month submission of his/hers daily time schedules (detailed). Every user
have different jobs and responsibilities, the only thing is - I create a
years worth of sheets for each and every provider. (A lot of work).

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